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冷再生机租赁: 水泥就地冷再生施工步骤介绍

来源:http://www.tclqgc.com/ 日期:2024-05-24 发布人:


(1) Construction preparation


The road surface that requires cold recycling construction should be flat. If there are large pits, they should be filled with aggregates before construction, and the large packages should be leveled. To avoid the risk of tilting during mechanical walking during construction.


(2) Construction machinery


One cold regeneration machine and three water tanks are required for cold regeneration construction. 1 vibrating roller. One leveling machine and two 18-21 ton rollers.


(3) Construction method: Before construction, a dedicated person is responsible for setting up road barriers and signs to control and guide the movement of vehicles that are half open to traffic.


1. Cement paving:


The amount of cement needed needs to be determined based on the engineering quantity of the structural layer, with a standard of a few bags per meter (calculated by the technician in advance), and then the required cement for the road section should be manually spread before cold recycling construction. Firstly, unload the cement from the construction section. Generally, bagged cement is unloaded in piles of 10 meters and stacked on the roadside. During rainy season construction, it is necessary to prepare rainproof cloth and cover it at any time. Before laying, the surveyors shall set out the construction boundary line and manually sprinkle the gray line to delineate the construction range of the structural layer, in order to avoid inadequate or wasted cement laying. When paving, cement should be laid in sections according to the weather conditions on the day of construction. The on-site construction personnel should evenly spread the cement and pay attention to ensuring that the distribution area of each bag of cement is equal. After the cement is spread, there should be no blank areas on the surface or places where the cement is excessively concentrated. It is best to lay out a 150 meter working face before construction, and then carry out construction in a progressive flow of 150 meters during cold recycling construction. The cement paving has always been 150 meters ahead of the cold recycling operation section. To reduce the losses caused by excessive wind damage to cement and sudden weather changes or mechanical failures during rainy season construction.


If conditions permit, it is best to use cement slurry trucks or powder spreaders for the cement paving process, which saves labor, has high efficiency, and minimizes uniform pollution.


2. Cold regeneration machine operation:


The crushing and mixing width of the cold regeneration machine is 2.4 meters. During operation, a water tank truck should closely follow the operation to ensure the mixing water. During the mixing process, the water should be controlled according to the 1-2% higher than the optimal water content specified in the test sheet (provided that the regeneration machine can open several water nozzles to convert the water content). Another water tank truck should be full of water and always on standby. Once the water tank working with the regeneration machine runs out of water, it needs to be replenished immediately. To ensure the continuous operation ability of cold revitalization. The travel speed of the cold recycling machine should be adjusted according to the damage condition of the road surface and the depth of regeneration, generally ranging from 6m/min to 12m/min, so that the fluctuation range of the gradation of the milled material is not large. In areas with severe mesh cracks, the speed of the regeneration unit should be reduced and the speed of the milling rotor should be increased. If the thickness of the structural layer of the old road surface is greater than 8cm and it is difficult for the cold regeneration machine to move, the old road surface layer needs to be milled and planed by the cold regeneration machine first, and then cement is laid on the crushed material for cold regeneration mixing construction. During the cold regeneration process, personnel are required to follow and check the mixing depth and humidity at any time, generally around 20 meters. If there are any non conformities, they should be reported to the driver in a timely manner for resolution. During each cold recycling construction operation, the vibrating roller must follow the rear side of the cold recycling machine at a distance of 20 meters. The mixed mixture should be promptly compacted with high amplitude and low frequency vibration, with a speed equivalent to the driving speed of the cold recycling machine. The purpose is to seal the water in the mixture at the optimal moisture content.



Two types of joints should be considered during regeneration construction: longitudinal joints parallel to the road centerline and transverse joints perpendicular to the road centerline.



Longitudinal joint: The working width of the regeneration machine is generally smaller than the width of the road or lane, therefore, cold regeneration of the full width road requires multiple operations, resulting in longitudinal joints between adjacent working surfaces. It is necessary to have a certain amount of overlap along the entire longitudinal seam to ensure the continuity of the longitudinal seam between adjacent working surfaces. The overlap between adjacent work surfaces shall not be less than 10cm. The thicker the road surface, the greater the overlap; The coarser the material particle size, the greater the overlap; When the interval between two adjacent assignments is more than 12 hours, the overlap should be increased. On the longitudinal joint, change the amount of water sprayed according to the completion time of the existing regeneration layer. The position of the longitudinal joint should try to avoid the wheel tracks of slow moving heavy vehicles. During construction, guidance prompts should be established by prominently marking or measuring reference lines on the existing road surface to help drivers operate the regeneration machine correctly and avoid unmixed entrainment between adjacent working surfaces.


Horizontal joint: The horizontal joint formed at the beginning or end of each construction is discontinuous. Every time the machine is shut down, even if it only takes a few minutes to replace the tank truck and blade, it will form a serious transverse seam that affects the uniformity of the recycled material. Therefore, during construction, the phenomenon of downtime should be minimized as much as possible. In unavoidable situations, the overlapping of the formed transverse joints should be carefully handled. When handling transverse joints, attention should be paid to the water content. Generally, the water content should be halved as normal when starting and falling the knife. At the beginning of regeneration construction, all starting steps must be strictly carried out in sequence, especially the exhaust procedure of the water pipe. All gases must be expelled before the water reaches the spray bar. If the exhaust is not done properly, there may be no water in the mixture within the first few meters of regeneration construction, leading to unstable road sections on the road surface. When restarting after a temporary shutdown, the entire regeneration unit should retreat at least one rotor diameter distance of 1.5-2 meters to reach the regenerated material. This will ensure that all materials are processed after the start of construction. If the shutdown exceeds the initial setting time of the cement, the entire regeneration machine must be retreated to a distance of 1.5m from the regenerated road section and the cement must be re spread during the construction of the regeneration machine again. The problem of transverse joints only occurs when construction stops. Therefore, it is best for the regeneration unit to only stop after the tank truck is empty or in similar situations. Try to minimize downtime during construction, and it is best to replace the cutting head after completing each section of the entire road to avoid affecting the subsequent process.


After regeneration and mixing, the color should be consistent, without any gray streaks, clusters, or flower surfaces, that is, there should be no obvious segregation of coarse and fine materials, and the moisture content should be appropriate and uniform. At the end of each day's cold recycling construction, the cleaning blade must be kept away from the road surface of the construction section to prevent the water flow of the cleaning blade from entering the newly constructed road structure and creating a soft foundation.


3. Shaping and Rolling:


After the recycled mixture is evenly mixed and stabilized once by a vibrating roller, it should be preliminarily shaped using a grader immediately. On straight and non elevated flat curve sections, the grader scrapes the road from the shoulder to the center of the road; When setting a super high flat curve section, the grader scrapes it from the inside to the outside. If necessary, go back and scrape again. For local low-lying areas, use an iron pick to loosen the surface layer by more than 5cm, and level it with freshly mixed mixture. During the shaping process, the segregation of coarse and fine materials should be promptly eliminated. Both manual and mechanical removal of large, unbroken old road materials. When shaping, the high materials should be directly scraped out and should not form a thin layer of patching.


After the initial leveling of the grader is completed, the vibration roller stabilizes the high amplitude/low frequency once, and then the surveyor sets out and controls the elevation and cross slope at three points, namely left, middle, and right, according to quality control requirements (1 point at a straight section of 20 meters and 1 point at a bend of 10 meters), guiding the grader to carry out detailed leveling and achieve the purpose of adjusting the arch and slope. Ensure that the flatness and cross slope meet the design requirements. During construction, the principle of "better scraping than filling" should be adhered to. If additional materials are needed, when it is determined that a mixture of 5cm or more needs to be added, more cement should be added to the new material and the water content should be ensured to ensure adhesion. During rolling, it should not be loose or peeling. When using a grader for the final leveling work, special care must be taken to ensure that the entire surface is scraped flat, making it longitudinally smooth, and that the road arches and superelevation meet the design requirements. Do not drop the blade in low-lying areas. It is necessary to scrape off the locally raised part and sweep it out, because there is no bonding force between these materials and the lower layer, which can easily cause peeling and inability to press during rolling. The final leveling should be carried out carefully, and for local low-lying areas, no further filling is required. It can be left for treatment when laying the asphalt surface layer.


After leveling, use a vibrating roller to perform 1-2 rounds of compaction. If the surface of the mixture is air dried before compaction, use a sprinkler truck to spray and replenish water if necessary to prevent it from being crushed. During initial compaction, use high amplitude/low frequency vibration modes to compact the lower part of the layer, and then use low amplitude/high frequency vibration modes to compact the upper part of the regeneration layer. The principle of rolling is to start with light and then heavy, rolling from the roadside to the middle of the road in sequence. The rolling speed should be controlled at the lowest speed, and attention should be paid to the width of the wrong wheel and no missed rolling. In addition, when using a vibratory roller, attention should be paid to the following points: if there are oil and gas pipelines crossing within a range of 1 meter on both sides of the road, vibration mode compaction cannot be used. The use of high amplitude/low frequency vibration modes for compaction often disturbs the material at the top of the layer, especially the surface. However, leveling with a grader can be corrected before using low amplitude/high frequency vibration mode for compaction. If rolling continues after reaching the maximum density of the material, it will damage the material and reduce its density. Prevent overpressure based on the thickness and external manifestation of the mixture.

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