





来源:http://www.tclqgc.com/ 日期:2024-09-21 发布人:

  2.1 原路面处理针对原路面的钻心取样结果及旧路质量状况评定, 确定合理的处治方式, 对于原路面沉陷路段, 采用级配碎石调平, 使原路面的高程及横坡满足设计要求范围内;对于沉陷严重且翻浆路段, 需高度重视, 应挖除原路基淤泥或软基土等非适用材料, 换填透水性较好和强度较高的天然砂砾或碎砾石, 处理完成后在进行下道工序。

  2.1 Original pavement treatment: Based on the core sampling results of the original pavement and the evaluation of the quality of the old road, a reasonable treatment method is determined. For the sunken sections of the original pavement, graded crushed stones are used for leveling to ensure that the elevation and cross slope of the original pavement meet the design requirements; For road sections with severe subsidence and frost heave, high attention should be paid to excavating unsuitable materials such as original roadbed silt or soft foundation soil, and replacing them with natural gravel or crushed gravel with good permeability and high strength. After the treatment is completed, the next process can be carried out.20210527095259226

  2.2 确定水泥撒布量无机结合料稳定材料强度是否满足实际要求, 与水泥剂量有比较直接的关系, 根据实验报告数据, 干密度、宽度和深度及水泥剂量, 计算出每平方水泥撒布量, 然后在撒布车电脑上输入计算用量, 在撒布之前, 试验人员准备一张1m×1m的薄铁皮, 撒布车通过后, 称量铁皮上的水泥数量, 与撒布车电脑上设置的数据复核, 试验人员要准确反复对撒布车电脑设置数据与实际撒布量进行复核, 否则此项工作应多次进行, 直到相符为止。同时, 工地试验室EDTA滴定试验同步跟进。另外, 每次水泥撒布面不宜太大, 能保证再生机有连续作业面即可, 以防风吹雨淋造成水泥损失。

  2.2 Determine whether the cement spreading amount and inorganic binder stabilizing material strength meet the actual requirements, which is directly related to the cement dosage. Based on the experimental report data, dry density, width and depth, and cement dosage, calculate the spreading amount per square meter of cement. Then input the calculated dosage on the spreading car computer. Before spreading, the tester prepares a thin iron sheet of 1m × 1m. After the spreading car passes through, weigh the amount of cement on the iron sheet and verify it with the data set on the spreading car computer. The tester should accurately and repeatedly verify the data set on the spreading car computer with the actual spreading amount. Otherwise, this work should be repeated multiple times until it matches. At the same time, the EDTA titration test in the construction site laboratory is being followed up synchronously. In addition, the cement spreading surface should not be too large each time, as long as it can ensure a continuous working surface for the recycling machine to prevent cement loss caused by wind and rain.

  2.3 控制再生厚度作为冷再生质量控制的关键指标, 再生机后安排专人检查铣刨厚度, 在每刀纵向人工清理出铣刨深度, 再与未再生路面相比较, 对比是否符合设计要求, 对于原路面基层强度较高时, 一次无法达到铣刨深度, 应分二次或多次铣刨, 同时, 实验人员在检测压实度的同时, 检测再生深度, 确保再生深度符合设计要求。

  2.3 Controlling the regeneration thickness is a key indicator for cold regeneration quality control. After the regeneration machine, a dedicated person is arranged to inspect the milling thickness, manually clean the milling depth in each longitudinal direction, and compare it with the unreleased road surface to see if it meets the design requirements. For the original road surface with high base strength, if the milling depth cannot be achieved in one time, it should be milled twice or multiple times. At the same time, the experimenters should check the regeneration depth while checking the compaction degree to ensure that the regeneration depth meets the design requirements.

  2.4 严格控制压实质量再生混合料中一般含有30%~40%的沥青混合料, 应严格控制压路机的吨位和碾压遍数, 再生机后应配备1台不小于26t的单钢轮压路机进行初压, 初压整平结束后, 再用1台26t单钢轮振动压路机复压4~6遍, 用1台30t轮胎压路机终压6~8遍。碾压完成后, 应及时进行压实度检测。

  2.4 Strictly control the compaction quality. Recycled mixtures generally contain 30% to 40% asphalt mixture. The tonnage and number of rolling passes of the roller should be strictly controlled. After the regeneration machine, a single steel wheel roller with a capacity of not less than 26t should be equipped for initial compaction. After the initial compaction and leveling are completed, a 26t single steel wheel vibrating roller should be used for 4-6 times of re compaction, and finally a 30t tire roller should be used for 6-8 times of final compaction. After compaction is completed, timely compaction degree testing should be carried out.

  2.5 养生养生是水泥稳定无机结合料施工质量控制的关键环节, 水泥稳定类基层一般选取气温较高季节施工, 水份散失快, 如果施工地点水源较近, 可选择透水性土工材料覆盖养生, 洒水车及时补充水份。如果水源地距施工现场较远, 则考虑使用一布一膜不透水土工布, 在覆盖之前, 将底基层表面彻底洒湿, 然后覆盖不透水土工布, 关键点就是四周要包裹严实。

  2.5 Health preservation is a key link in the quality control of cement stabilized inorganic binder construction. Cement stabilized base layers are generally constructed in seasons with high temperatures, where water loss is fast. If the construction site is close to a water source, permeable geotechnical materials can be used to cover the health preservation, and water trucks can be used to replenish water in a timely manner. If the water source is far away from the construction site, consider using a one cloth one film impermeable geotextile. Before covering, thoroughly wet the surface of the subgrade layer, and then cover it with impermeable geotextile. The key point is to wrap it tightly around.

  3 结语冷再生作为一种新兴公路施工技术, 可缩短工期、提高作业效率, 减少了环境污染, 节省工程成本, 较适合应用于二、三级公路的底基层或基层, 值得推广应用。

  3 Conclusion As a new highway construction technology, cold recycling can shorten the construction period, improve the operation efficiency, reduce environmental pollution, and save project costs. It is more suitable for the subbase or base of Class II and third-class highway, and is worth popularizing.

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