





来源:http://www.tclqgc.com/ 日期:2024-10-14 发布人:

  作为路面施工装备中的一员 路拌/冷再生机一直以来均在路面解决方案里占有重要作用。而RS500路拌/冷再生机,作为一款性能出色的路面养护设备,更是行业里同类产品中的佼佼者。发动机功率500马力,工作宽带2250毫米,工作重量达25吨。冷再生机技术,保证了高拌合效果和低施工成本,让你的施工过程始终“开挂”。

  As a member of road construction equipment, road mixing/cold recycling machines have always played an important role in road solutions. The RS500 road mixer/cold recycling machine, as an excellent road maintenance equipment, is also a leader among similar products in the industry. The engine has a power of 500 horsepower, a working bandwidth of 2250 millimeters, and a working weight of 25 tons. Cold regeneration technology ensures high mixing efficiency and low construction costs, allowing your construction process to always be "open hanging".


  The mixing system of the 01 cold regeneration machine has a unique mixing compartment design that always meets construction needs. There are three compartment doors on the rotor cover that can be infinitely adjusted in angle. In addition to the mixing silo design used in the industry, two cabin doors have also been designed to enhance the mixing and crushing effects of materials; The milled material hits the cabin door, and by continuously adjusting the angle and position of these three doors, the material will be crushed into the required specifications, which is safe and simple. Even the largest amount of material can achieve the highest quality mixing effect. The FLXMIX mixing system always meets your construction needs.


  02 can precisely control the rotor position, setting a new industry standard. When the machine is used for edge bonding construction, in order to ensure construction quality and safety, especially suitable for road conditions with severe damage, ensure consistent mixing depth on both sides, and avoid imbalanced additive ratios, the RS500 can move the rotor laterally to the left or right beyond the outside of the tire. This not only allows edge bonding construction, but also provides a certain safe distance between the tire and the edge of the slope. The road mixing/cold recycling machine is the first machine in the industry to achieve safe construction on road embankments. Operators can clearly observe the working status of the rotor edge and accurately control the rotor position, setting a new standard in the industry.


  The 03 rotor drive system ensures excellent construction efficiency. The rotor is driven by two planetary reducers, providing suitable driving torque under any working condition. At the same time, the rotor speed can be infinitely adjusted in real-time during operation, minimizing the wear of the blade and rotor while ensuring the mixing quality under any road or condition. The adjustment of rotor speed is very simple and convenient, ensuring suitable rotor speed for different construction conditions, and achieving excellent construction results with minimal power input. The rotor drive system is also designed with automatic overload protection.


  In addition, the RS500 road mixer/cold recycling machine also has the following characteristics: excellent traction, large diameter tires, and can provide the best traction even in harsh terrain conditions. Articulated steering and rear axle steering ensure the best maneuverability. The height adjustable cab makes transfer transportation very convenient. Large capacity diesel tanks can work continuously for a long time without stopping. Easy to contact maintenance points can quickly complete maintenance and repair. Reverse mixing can be carried out, especially suitable for narrow road sections that are not conducive to U-turns. The fully automatic water spraying system can provide the best water spraying amount for soil mixing (optional), emulsified asphalt spraying system (optional), intelligent metering system (optional), high-pressure cleaning system (optional)

  路拌/冷再生机具有独特、齐全的产品系列,能覆盖破碎沥青、土壤路拌或冷再生等广泛的施工应用范围,无论小型设备还是大型设备,路拌/冷再生机致力于为所有施工工地上所有施工任务提供的解决方案。本文由  冷再生机租赁 友情奉献.更多有关的知识请点击  http://www.tclqgc.com/   真诚的态度.为您提供为的服务.更多有关的知识我们将会陆续向大家奉献.敬请期待.

  Road mixing/cold recycling machines have a unique and complete product line, http://www.tclqgc.com/ which can cover a wide range of construction applications such as crushed asphalt, soil road mixing, or cold recycling. Whether it is small or large equipment, road mixing/cold recycling machines are committed to providing high-quality solutions for all construction tasks on all construction sites. This article is a friendly contribution from Cold Recycling Machine Rental. For more related knowledge, please click http://www.tclqgc.com/ Sincere attitude. We provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Please stay tuned

阅读/ Recommended reading

  作为路面施工装备中的一员 路拌/冷再生机一直以来均在路面解决方案里占有重要作用。而RS500路拌/冷再生机,作为一款性能出色的路面养护设备,更是行业里同类产品中的佼佼者。发动...

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